How Political Campaigns Use Digital Marketing: What to Expect in 2020

Get Your Digital Ducks in a Row with These Political Marketing Trends for the New Year

It doesn’t matter if a candidate is a local candidate for a city council seat, or someone running a statewide campaign, all political campaigns must develop and maintain their digital presence.

Digital marketing political campaigns, can implement digital political marketing strategies relatively easily, as well as affordably. Digital outreach is one of the best ways to stay engaged with supporters.

For this reason, our team from Reach Voters wants to break down some trends for political marketing in 2020 that we think will make for the best political marketing campaigns. Read on to learn more!

Targeting Voters with Messaging

Correctly identifying target demographics is one of the best ways to elevate a political campaign. The better candidates can determine supporters and constituents, the better engagement the campaign can wield, and the more persuasive political messaging can be.

Nonetheless, in any position, some voters will agree or disagree with a messaging platform.  This is why targeted messaging remains so important for the best political marketing campaigns.

This doesn’t mean pandering to both sides, parsing on important issues. However, there is nothing wrong with discussing things like education with parents and healthcare issues with seniors.

Establishing a Brand

Political marketing campaigns can cultivate content to establish a brand message. Personalization and brand establishment in political marketing extends beyond the content itself, however. By relying on things like dynamic keywords, advertisers for political campaigns wield all the tools they need to cultivate a truly unique personality and voice.

As a result, these initiatives can engage and excite supporters while potentially driving more people to the polls while additionally providing insights to a candidate themselves, in addition to the campaign’s voice.

Multimedia and Video Content

Searches for election-related content on platforms like YouTube just continue to grow. This takes place amongst voters at any age, not simply the younger voting demographic. What this means is that the best political marketing campaigns must rely on video multimedia for success in political marketing.

Timing is everything when it comes to video content. Voters don’t simply want the right content; they want to see it at the right time. Important moments may take place during any time of a political campaign. For this reason, remaining at-the-ready to post content on visual platforms remains essential for success in digital marketing political campaigns.

Attaining New Opportunities to Connect with Voters with Digital Political Marketing

As political ad spending continues to increase, so too does the employment of digital marketing platform utilization. With the easy access, these strategies afford to candidates, in addition to the ability to rely on digital tools to target voters, the trend towards digital marketing is hardly going to cease any time soon.

Modern political marketing depends on digital while simultaneously offering a unique opportunity to connect with voters on the basest level. With social media platforms and multimedia resources like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., political campaigns possess more opportunities than ever to get the word out.

This is precisely why our team from Reach Voters works so hard to assist candidates and voters alike with knowledge and support for political campaigns. To learn more about digital marketing political campaigns and the best way to reach voters, contact our team today!

  1.  “What is Political Branding? – Anthem Branding – Medium.” 6 Nov. 2018, Accessed 6 Dec. 2019.
  2.  “Searching for Google and YouTube in Big Tech’s political ad ….” 7 Nov. 2019, Accessed 6 Dec. 2019.


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To provide effective political marketing strategies.

Reach Voters is a full-service digital marketing agency based in Miami. Our digital team provides digital strategy consulting for political campaigns and candidates.

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    We Strategize

    To provide effective political marketing strategies.

    Reach Voters is a full-service digital marketing agency based in Miami. Our digital team provides digital strategy consulting for political campaigns and candidates.

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