Reach Voters with Your Campaign Website: Here’s How!

Critical Elements of Political Campaign Websites

Almost a decade ago, activity on social media wasn’t a pivotal way to reach new voters campaigns. Today, however, candidates running for office remain virtually invisible without accounts on at least a few of the major platforms. Just like businesses display their products and services on the web for the right consumers to discover, candidates can only draw in voters by laying everything out on the table for interested parties to see.

In addition to social media, political campaign websites remain one of a campaign’s best ways to raise its online profile. A website can address the interest of many different types of voters who browse the web. When asking how to reach voters, campaigns can do this through a website by including various essential elements.

Introducing the Campaign

Some voters may visit a website to understand a candidate or campaign better. Some may also appear browsing a site that doesn’t have any knowledge of the campaign at all. A reach new voters campaign must commit to introducing candidates to both aware voters in addition to those that remain new to the campaign’s initiatives.

Including a bio page on a website can provide a mix of a candidate’s professional and personal backgrounds and some information on the campaign itself. This information should show potential voters that their goals or stance on pertinent issues earn their vote.

Choosing the Right Address

A campaign web address should be one that ‘clicks.’ This serves as one of the informational platforms of a campaign for anyone that visits after finding out about the campaign from another source. This also means that a site name should click within the minds of potential voters when they come across it.

Domains with a candidate’s or campaign’s name remain easy for voters to remember. Additionally, the web address should sound professional.

Implementing Calls to Action

Actionable links and buttons should be easily visible on a website. Sites should never delay visitors with unnecessary information. Popups asking for donations only serve as a hindrance for those looking to contribute or volunteer to a campaign.

We recommend depending on display buttons or dropdown menus that remain easily noticeable within a header or sidebar of a landing page.

Include a Donations Page

Donors that visit a campaign website should have an area they can go to for contributions online. For those who don’t have experience with these systems, campaigns should also offer them all the available options for donations through the site and other ways they can contribute.

For example, a donor who wishes to mail a contribution should receive a correct address for writing a check. A website for a reach new voters campaign must provide all related information on the same page.

An Area for Volunteers

Similar to donors, supporters of a campaign who visit a site for more information may want to volunteer their time and effort. A campaign website should direct them to an area of a site to find volunteering opportunities or a recruitment page.

On this page, webmasters for the campaign should include all available tasks volunteers may be asked to perform while letting them choose how they can help. Smooth onboarding is a critical ingredient to a successful campaign website.

Updates and Information

Supporters will want to stay updated throughout a campaign. This is one way politicians and reach new voters campaigns can help maintain supporter engagement and keep them returning to a site.

A campaign can post statements or announcements made at recent rallies or other events. This includes posting pictures from the events, as well as scheduled dates for upcoming activities. Campaigns should also include reminders for voter registration cutoffs or polling dates.

How to Reach Voters with a Political Campaign Website | Reach Voters

We stand witness to some of the most interesting elections on a national scale. Even in years without many elections, people are becoming increasingly involved with election campaigns and drawing their line in the sand concerning various issues.

One of the essential things any campaign can do is to build a professional and effective campaign website. The importance of a good website for a reach new voters campaign remains substantial and could serve as a deal-breaker for many potential voters.

To learn more about simple and informative, effective political campaign website design and marketing, contact our team from Reach Voters today!


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