If You’re a Candidate, You Should Be at These Community Events This Fall

The Best Fall Campaign Events for Candidates in South Florida

The fall season in South Florida remains very different from what the rest of the country experiences. The leaves here don’t drop from the trees much or really change color at all. The weather stays a bit hot and Floridians manage to keep their sweaters in their drawers for the most part.

Nevertheless, for political aspirants in Miami-Dade County and throughout the Florida community, the fall is an ideal time to say goodbye to summer with a fresh season of campaign events for candidates that remain ideal to get the word out about their platform.

At one time, candidates would utilize a traditional campaign trail alone to assemble follows and generate votes at the polls. However, relying on this medium alone simply isn’t enough in modern politics, even on the municipal level.

Candidates must do anything they can to spread the word with consistency. To help candidates, our team from Reach Voters is outlining some of the best campaign events for candidates this Fall in South Florida.

2019 Homeless CHALENG Summit (Sept. 27th)

The Community Homelessness Assessment, Local Education and Networking Groups (CHALENG) Project, this summit focuses on veteran homelessness in the South Florida community. CHALENG unites homeless service providers, advocates, as well as concerned citizens towards a common goal that concerns everyone in the United States; homeless veterans.

This summit is a great way to meet numerous active individuals in the voter community, working towards a positive common cause. Furthermore, candidates can take part in helping an evolving and challenging issue while additionally spreading the word about their stance and political platform.

League of Women Voters of Broward County League 101 (Sept. 28th)

Sponsored by Hispanic Unity of Florida, Nova Southeastern University’s Main Campus in Davie, Florida, League 101 from the League of Women Voters of Broward is an ideal opportunity for candidates to spread the word about their campaign in a voter-centric environment.

The LWV works to help members utilize their unique individual talents to increase civic engagement and help their community. This is a great time to meet potential women voters that put in the time and effort to make democracy work. They meet at multiple campaign events for candidates each month to learn how they can make a difference in community politics.

Mini Camp Congress for Girls Miami 2019 (Oct. 26th)

The Girls in Politics Initiative hosts special sessions of camp congress for youth women ages six to seven. This is an introduction for these young people regarding the political system of the United States, beginning with political structure and running for office. 

This is the ideal campaign even for candidates to help these young people and potentially meet parents that remain concerned and involved in South Florida politics. Additionally, these campaign events for candidates represent a great way to meet young people while educating and taking part in positive group initiatives.

Information on Campaign Events for Candidates in South Florida this Fall from Reach Voters

In South Florida, residents often remain inclined to think of the fall season as just an extension of the hot summer months. Although many keep thinking about the best opportunities to cruise the beach or take a dip in the pool, the area offers numerous opportunities and political platforms for candidates to spread the word about their campaign.

To learn more information on campaign events for candidates this fall in South Florida, contact our team from Reach Voters today! Additionally, you can direct your attention to our article how you can Reach the Masses at These Summer Events as the season turns to a close.

  1. “Homeless Chaleng Summit – Facebook.” https://www.facebook.com/events/west-palm-beach-va-medical-center/homeless-chaleng-summit/2257058004391863/.
  2. “Project CHALENG – Homeless Veterans – VA.gov.” https://www.va.gov/homeless/chaleng.asp.
  3. “Calendar of Events – League of Women Voters of Broward County.” https://www.lwvbroward.org/events/.
  4. “Hispanic Unity of Florida |.” https://www.hispanicunity.org/.
  5. “LWV Of Broward County | League of Women Voters.” https://www.lwv.org/local-leagues/lwv-broward-county.
  6. “Home – Girls in Politics Initiative ™ | An Education Organization for Girls.” http://www.girlsinpolitics.org/.


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