What Is the Census Task Force?

Information on the Miami-Dade County Task Force

In early 2019, Miami-Dade County Services and the Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution to create the 2020 Miami-Dade County Census Task Force. This group consists of 35 members, led by Commissioner Esteban L. Bovo, Jr.

The task force is an advisory board comprised of local agencies intending to identify the best practices to address and curtail undercounts. Their job includes a comprehensive assessment to analyze individuals and targeted groups that remain likely to experience undercounts in Miami-Dade County.

This also involved identifying potential strategies to employ technology that can assist these hard-to-reach populations with completing their Census forms, as well as determining opportunities for collaboration with Miami-Dade County Public Schools and daycare centers to combat undercounting children.

Ultimately, the Census and Miami-Dade County Services work to compile information to develop a comprehensive 2020 Census action plan. This ensures accurate counts of the Miami-Dade County population, relying on community-based and other methods for success.

What Does the Census Task Force Do? Why is it Important?

Every ten years, the United States Census Bureau engages in a nationwide count aiming to determine the number of people living in the United States. Everyone in your household should be included.

The Census essentially provides the basis to reapportion Congressional seats, as well as distribute billions of dollars in federal funding that goes towards schools, hospitals, roads, public works projects, and numerous other crucial programs.

In March, the Census Bureau disperses invitations through the postal service. However, a Census worker will follow-up in person with any households that choose not to respond.

Miami-Dade County and the Census Task Force is an extensive outreach effort to encourage all residents in the area to participate in the 2020 Census. These efforts are extremely important because participation remains crucial to ensure the county receives its fair of federal funding that goes towards supporting local services and infrastructure, in addition to proper representation in congress.

Without a full and accurate Census count, the County risks negative impacts on funding and representation for future generations. It is up to the residents of Miami-Dade County, as well as the Census Task Force to properly shape the future by ensuring every individual in Miami-Dade gets counted.

Who Serves in the Miami-Dade County Census Task Force?

The agencies and individuals representing the 2020 Miami-Dade Census Task Force includes:

Contact Reach Voters for More Information on Miami-Dade County Services and the Census Task Force

Our team from Reach Voters works hard to inform Miami-Dade County residents about all the political goings-on in our area. To learn more about the Miami-Dade County Services, elections, politics, as well as the 2020 Census, contact us today!

  1.  “Board of County Commissioners – Miami ….” 5 Feb. 2020, https://www.miamidade.gov/commission/. Accessed 27 Feb. 2020.
  2.  “Resolution No. R-72-19 – Miami-Dade County.” http://www.miamidade.gov/govaction/legistarfiles/MinMatters/Y2019/190195min.pdf. Accessed 27 Feb. 2020.
  3.  “Miami-Dade County.” http://www.miamidade.gov/. Accessed 27 Feb. 2020.
  4.  “Miami-Dade County Public Schools.” http://www.dadeschools.net/. Accessed 27 Feb. 2020.


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